Karen C. Seto

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Filters: Author is Karen C. Seto
Journal Article
Seto KC, Sánchez-Rodríguez R, Fragkias M.  2010.  The new geography of contemporary urbanization and the environment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 35:167-194.
Fragkias M, Seto KC.  2009.  Evolving rank-size distributions of intra-metropolitan urban clusters in South China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 33(3):189-199.
Reilly MK, O'Mara MP, Seto KC.  2009.  From Bangalore to the Bay Area: Comparing transportation and activity accessibility as drivers of urban growth. Landscape & Urban Planning. 92(1):24-33.
Book Chapter
Seto KC, Gamba P, Harold M.  2009.  Global Urban Issues: A Primer. Global Mapping of Human Settlements: Experiences, Data Sets, and Prospects. :3-9.
Journal Article
Seto KC, J. Shepherd M.  2009.  Global urban land-use trends and climate impacts. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 1(1):89-95.
Book Chapter
Boucher A, Seto KC, Gamba P, Harold M.  2009.  Methods and Challenges for Using High-Temporal Resolution Data for Monitoring Urban Growth. Global Mapping of Human Settlement: Experiences, Datasets, and Prospects. :339-350.
Journal Article
Güneralp B, Seto KC.  2008.  Environmental impacts of urban growth from an integrated dynamic perspective: A case study of Shenzhen, South China. Global Environmental Change. 18(4):720-735.
Book Chapter
Seto KC, Ojima D, Song Q, Mosier A, Fu C, Freney JR, Stewart JWB.  2008.  Human drivers of change in the East Asian Monsoon System. Changes In The Human-Monsoon System Of East Asia In The Context Of Global Change. :335-347.
Journal Article
Liu W, Seto KC.  2008.  Using the ART-MMAP neural network to predict urban growth: a spatio-temporal data mining approach. Environment and Planning B. 35(2):296-317.
Book Chapter
Seto KC, Fragkias M, Schnieder A.  2007.  20 Years After Reforms: Challenges to Planning and Development in China’s City-Regions and Opportunities for Remote Sensing. Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability. :249-269.
Journal Article
Kaufman RK, Seto KC, Schnieder A, Liu Z, Wang W.  2007.  Climate response to rapid urban growth: Evidence of a human-induced precipitation deficit. Journal of Climate. 20(10):2299-2306.
Seto KC, Fragkias M.  2007.  Mangrove conversion and aquaculture development in Vietnam: A remote sensing-based approach for evaluating the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Global Environmental Change. 3-4:486-500.
Fragkias M, Seto KC.  2007.  Modeling urban growth in data-sparse environments: A new approach. Environment and Planning B. 34(5):858-883.
Book Chapter
Fragkias M, Seto KC, Aspinall RJ, Hill MJ.  2007.  Urban Land Use Change Models, Uncertainty, and Policymaking in Rapidly Growing Developing World Cities. Land Use Change: Science, Policy and Management . :139-160.
Seto KC, King MD, Parkinson CL, Partington KC, Williams RG.  2007.  Urbanization in China: The Pearl River Delta Example. Our Changing Planet: A View from Space. :186-189.
Journal Article
Boucher A, Seto KC, Journél AG, Weng Q, Quattrochi D.  2006.  A novel method for mapping land cover changes: Incorporating time and space with geostatistics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44(11):3427.
Book Chapter
Liu W, Seto KC, Sun Z, Tian Y.  2006.  Urban Land Use Prediction Model with Spatiotemporal Data Mining and GIS. Urban Remote Sensing. :165-178.
Seto KC, Entwisle B, Stern PC.  2005.  Economies, societies, and landscapes in transition: Examples from the Pearl River Delta, China and the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Population, Land Use, and Environment: Research Directions. :193-216.
Journal Article
Seto KC, Fragkias M.  2005.  Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban land-use change in four cities of China with time series landscape metrics. Landscape Ecology. 20(7):871-888.
Schnieder A, Seto KC, Webster DR.  2005.  Urban growth in Chengdu, western China: Application of remote sensing to assess planning and policy outcomes. Environment and Planning B. 32(3):323-345.
Kaufman RK, Seto KC.  2005.  Using logit models to classify land cover and land-cover change from Landsat Thematic Mapper. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(3):263-577.
Liu W, Seto KC.  2004.  ART-MMAP: A neural network approach to sub-pixel classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 42(9):1976-1983.
Seto KC, Fleishman E., Fay J.P, Betrus C.J.  2004.  Linking spatial patterns of bird and butterfly species richness with Landsat TM derived NDVI. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 25(20):4309-4324.
Seto KC.  2004.  Urban growth in South China: Winners and losers of China’s policy reforms. Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen. 148(5):50-57.
Seto KC, Liu W.  2003.  Comparing ARTMAP neural network with Maximum-Likelihood classifier for detecting urban change. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 69(9):981-990.
Seto KC, Kaufman RK.  2003.  Modeling the drivers of urban land use change in the Pearl River Delta, China: Integrating remote sensing with socioeconomic data. Land Economics. 79(1):106-121.
Duong NDinh, Thoa LKim, Hoan NThanh, Tuan TAnh, Le Thu H, Seto KC.  2003.  A study on the urban growth of Hanoi using multi-temporal and multi-sensor remote sensing data. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics. 3(3):69-72.
Seto KC, Woodcock CE, Song C, Huang X, Lu J., Kaufman RK.  2002.  Monitoring land-use change in the Pearl River Delta using Landsat TM. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 23(10):1985-2004.
Kaufman RK, Seto KC.  2001.  Change detection, accuracy, and bias in a sequential analysis of Landsat imagery in the Pearl River Delta, China: econometric techniques. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 85(1-3):95-105.
Song C, Woodcock CE, Seto KC, Lenney MPax, Macomber SA.  2001.  Classification and change detection using Landsat TM data: When and how to correct atmospheric effects? Remote Sensing of the Environment. 75(2):230-244.
Seto KC, Kaufman RK, Woodcock CE.  2000.  Landsat reveals China's farmland reserves, but they're vanishing fast. Nature. 406(6792):121.